Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Match, Jump and Cut Away Shots

Match Cut

A match cut is made up of three or more shots and then editing the shots together to make a 20 second shot into a 10 second shot, match cuts make the shot a lot more interesting because if we saw a shot of someone walking for 20 seconds that would be boring, whereas if we see a shot of someone walking, then jumps to their feet and then them exiting the shot, it makes it a lot more interesting.

Jump Cut

A jump cut is made by using one long shot and editing it by taking parts out to make the shot shorter. It cuts out the footage that isn't really needed and makes the video more interesting.

Cut Away

A cut away is made up of two or more shots, the second shot is placed into the middle of the long shot to split it up and make it more interesting. For example, here we have me waving to someone and showing them wave back and then me exiting. 

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