Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Documentary Idea

My idea for a documentary is narrow boats and how they are built and painted, what they are like to travel on and to live on. Also, how you work your way through the locks and what tools are used to get through them. I will also include what I do whilst I’m on holiday on the narrow boat, such as going to riverside pubs and travelling around to different places on the boat.

As my Grandad lives on a boat himself and has worked on them all his life I will have access to lots of information through him, I will also have access to Braidbar Boats, which is where they make and paint the boats, where he works. So therefore, I will be able to show you what a boat looks like before it has been painted and furnished and what it looks like afterwards.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Bullying Questionnaire

These pie charts show the responses of students in college, and how they feel about bullying by using closed questions...

This chart shows the majority of people have been bullied in their lifetime.

This shows that most people have been a bully and have bullied other people due to personal problems and have been bullied in the past.

This shows equally that people think bullying is/is not an issue in college.

This chart shows that verbal and cyber bullying is the most recurring type of bullying.

This shows that people thought secondary school is where the most bullying happens.

Friday, 12 September 2014

NRS Social Grade - Audience Analysis

This chart shows the groups of social class and describes what workers go into what category.

The audience for this magazine are people (mainly women) who watch reality television and are interested in fashion and celebrities. Typically this appeals to women ages 25-40+ who are working class, i think this because it it quite a cheap magazine.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Market Research

This is my research about companies that are based on reviews and ratings.